

Namaste React by Akshay Saini

Namaste React by Akshay Saini

Start mastering React today with “Namaste React Free” and After this series, you will be able to develop production-ready React frontend web applications from scratch.

Namaste React🚀 – From Zero to Hero🔥

✅ In depth High Quality Videos

✅ Project Based Learning

✅ Assignments/Projects

✅ Premium community of Developers

✅ Namaste React Course Certificate

✅ Three Year Access to all Course Content

The mission of this series is to take you from Zero to Hero in React. During this journey, you will learn everything by watching videos and then implement it by building projects.

The curriculum is designed with the principle of `learn by building`, so there will be a lot of Assignments/Projects you will work on. So only register if you are ready for a grind.

After this series, you will be able to develop production-ready React frontend web applications from scratch. Limited seats. Register Now. ✌️

React-19 Update

The amazing all new React 19 is on it’s way. It is expected to be released by the end of this year.
‘Namaste React’ covers the React 18 the latest as of now, BUT stay tuned!
After the launch of React 19 we will be updating our courses so that you get the most relevant content.

Instructor – Akshay Saini

Founder –

Akshay Saini, founder of, who previously worked as a software engineer at Uber & Paytm. Akshay has over 8+ years of experience in the software industry and has been guiding students to become a better software Engineer. Well known for his famous playlist named Namaste JavaScript, he has taught over 12 lakhs+ students across the globe. All the concepts in this course are taught by Akshay himself.

Awesome Projects covered in Namaste React 🚀

`NetflixGPT` – a movie recommendation App with GPT-3.5 turbo integration🔥

✅ GPT Search, using the latest GPT-3.5 Turbo API 🚀.

✅ Authentication – Sign Up, Log In, Sign Out.

✅ Form Handling, and Form validations

✅ Advanced Tailwind.

✅ useRef hook.

✅ covered the concept of Memoization.

✅ Build Multi-Language support.

✅ Advanced data handling with Redux Toolkit.

✅ Use of .env files to secure secret API keys

`Namaste YouTube` – Our own YouTube like webApp with Live chat feature🔥

✅ Machine coding questions && discussion.

✅ Live YouTube search with autocomplete functionality

✅ Building Nested Comments feature.

✅ LIVE CHAT system with anonymous chat feature.

✅ Shimmer UI effect for a polished look.

✅ Infinite scroll for a seamless browsing experience.

✅ Live YouTube video feed using YouTube API.

✅ Advanced data handling with Redux Toolkit.

✅ Optimized API calls through caching for future use.

`Namaste Food` – Our own Food Ordering app just like Swiggy🔥

✅ React Project setup from scratch.

✅ Deep dive into JSX and other core React features.

✅ Understanding Tailwind CSS basics and setting it up.

✅ Deep Dive into all the important React Hooks.

✅ Exploring the React Routing World.

✅ Playing with Live API data, and handling it effectively.

✅ Functional Vs Class Based Components

✅ A Deep dive into Redux && Redux Toolkit.

✅ Testing our App using Jest

✅ React Hooks
✅ State Management
✅ Config Drive UI
✅ Redux
✅ Reusable Components
✅ Functional Comp.
✅ Props & State
✅ List & Keys
✅ Class Components
✅ Scaling React Apps
✅ Best Coding Practices
✅ React Router
✅ Optimizing React Apps
✅ Building Live Projects
✅ Bundlers & Babel
✅ React Fragment
✅ Code Splitting
✅ Dynamic UI
✅ Higher Order Comp.
✅ Pure Components
✅ Code Splitting
✅ React Testing Library
✅ Interview Questions
✅ Uncontrolled Comp.
✅ Building Custom Hooks
✅ Handling Events
✅ Conditional Rendering
✅ Tailwind CSS
✅ Jest
And so much more…

Basically, I’ll teach you everything I’ve learned over years of working in the industry and everything that I know about React. ❤️

It will be all Project-Based Learning, we will see how the theory concepts fit into the projects! I won’t be teaching with boring slides, We will dive into the code right from Episode 1 🚀

We will start from scratch: ZERO and go till we learn building production-ready apps: HERO from Zero to Hero in 16 episodes 😎

Sounds cool, isn’t it?

Namaste React [ 1- 12 ]:

Namaste React [ 13- 16 ]:


Course Name Original Source Category Publisher
Namaste React React NamasteDev

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