

Ubuntu Linux Administration: Operation of Running Systems

Ubuntu Linux Administration: Operation of Running Systems

Start mastering Linux today with “Ubuntu Linux Administration: Operation Of Running Systems Free” and This course will teach you the ongoing administration skills to keep your Linux servers healthy

What you’ll learn
Day to day Linux administration is a core skill needed by many IT professionals. In this course, Ubuntu Linux Administration: Operation of Running Systems, you’ll learn to effectively manage existing Linux systems. First, you’ll explore tools used to reboot and shutdown your system. Next, you’ll discover the systemd eco-system and managing services. Finally, you’ll learn how to automate administration using scripts and scheduled tasks. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have the skills and knowledge of Linux administration needed to run routine maintenance in Linux.


Course Name Original Source Category Publisher
Ubuntu Linux Administration: Operation Of Running Systems Linux Pluralsight

Table of contents
🟡 Course Overview : 1min
▶️ Course Overview 2m

🟡Controlling Server Shutdown and Reboot : 24mins
▶️Managing a Running System 5m
▶️Working with Shutdown and the /etc/nologin File 11m
▶️Using Reboot and Poweroff 6m
▶️Summary and What’s Next 3m

🟡 Understanding the GRUB Bootloader : 39mins
▶️Booting Ubuntu Linux 4m
▶️Editing GRUB Defaults 6m
▶️Loading Linux and GRUB Entries 5m
▶️Gaining Root Access 3m
▶️Creating Custom GRUB Entries 6m
▶️Using Ubuntu Recovery Options 5m
▶️Recovering from a Failed Bootloader 9m
▶️Summary and What’s Next 2m

🟡 Managing Software in Ubuntu 20.04 : 48mins
▶️Working with Software Packages in Ubuntu 3m
▶️Comparing Apt and Apt-get 5m
▶️Listing Packages 4m
▶️Using Apt List 7m
▶️Searching for Packages 4m
▶️Installing and Removing Packages 9m
▶️Adding Online Repositories and Signing Keys 9m
▶️Using Core Dpkg Commands 5m
▶️Summary and What’s Next 3m

🟡 Managing Systemd Services and Targets : 55mins
▶️Uniformity with Systemd 3m
▶️The Systemd Eco-system 6m
▶️Understanding Boot Times 6m
▶️Understanding Systemctl 3m
▶️Managing Services with Systemctl 9m
▶️Understanding Service Units 2m
▶️Creating Service Units in Ubuntu 20.04 9m
▶️Working with Targets 6m
▶️Working with Logs 9m
▶️Summary and What’s Next 3m

🟡 Scripting Automation in Linux : 47mins
▶️Welcome to Shell Scripting 5m
▶️Writing a Simple Shell Script 10m
▶️Implementing Variables and Loops 7m
▶️Sourcing Variables 4m
▶️Creating a Password Generator 9m
▶️Improving the Password Generator 5m
▶️Creating Users from the CLI 4m
▶️Summary and What’s Next 3m

🟡 Scheduling Tasks in Linux : 37mins
▶️Scheduled Tasks in Linux 5m
▶️Working with Timer Units 11m
▶️Understanding Cron Files 3m
▶️Working with Cron Files 8m
▶️Working with the Atd 6m
▶️Summary and What’s Next 4m

🟡 Monitoring Processes in Linux : 36mins
▶️Monitoring and Managing Processes in Ubuntu Linux 4m
▶️Configuring Configuring Changes Using Ansible_Local Provisioner 11m
▶️Using Uptime and Understanding Load Averages 6m
▶️Display and Sort Processes Using Top 3m
▶️Listing and Managing Processes 10m
▶️Summary and What’s Next 3m

🟡 Securing Ubuntu Using AppArmor : 33mins
▶️Understanding AppArmor 4m
▶️Adding Extra AppArmor Utilities 6m
▶️Creating a Python Script 7m
▶️Understanding AppArmor Profiles 6m
▶️Generating AppArmor Profiles 8m
▶️Summary 2m

About the author

Andrew Mallett
Andrew is an all around Linux professional with in depth knowledge of the OS and this is supported with scripting in bash, perl, python and ruby and application development in C, C++ and Java. Having worked for many years in training, Andrew has developed automated course build systems after endless time wasted on Friday nights. The first build system he built was aptly named “Friday nights.” This has inspired his interest in all things deployment related.

He has authored training courses on Microsoft Deployment Toolkit as well as countless bespoke PXE solutions to training organizations. His commitment to the community shows in the amount of content that he has uploaded to his YouTube channel since theurbanpenguin was founded in 2009, as well as more recently helping with the Google / Raspberry Pi CoderDojo project. He also teaches Linux in schools. Over the years Andrew has taught Novell, Microsoft, Lotus Notes, Citrix, Solaris as well as Linux. It is Linux, though, where his love is. Andrew is able to help you understand how the product will fit into your organization and understand the heterogeneous environment we all work in.

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